I think the rain is finally finished for awhile and I see we're in for hot, sunny days all this week. My little garden is coming along beautifully and gives me such pleasure as I watch and witness it grow and change from day to day (sometimes hour to hour). What a funny sense of accomplishment, I keep marveling 'I made this' even though I really had little to do with it.
My sweet peas & runner beans are doing particularly well. I eagerly await the wall of scent and (semi) shade they'll grant me soon enough.

And the chives are in full bloom, which means it's time to find a clean jar, stuff it absolutely full of washed chive blossoms, pour white vinegar over and let it sit in the fridge a week. When it's done, drain the flowers and you'll be left with the most wonderful, aromatic, pink vinegar - perfect for salads all summer.
How's your garden coming along?
How's your garden coming along?